Wednesday, July 9, 2008

First Year with Wings in Review....

My life will never be the same…
God has been so good and has blessed abundantly.
I can’t even begin to describe all He has done.

::[The true heart of the overall ministry of Wings Global Outreach]::
Our music & media team, Wings of Morning, has the opportunity to spread the gospel to the unsaved in a unique and powerful fashion. There IS a message that brings hope into our present life and into eternal life! This is the reason we feel so blessed to have the privilege of serving in this ministry. So, now that you have a little feel about us.... These are the personal highlights of the year....

::[ExTend Student Leadership]::
This is the newest part of our ministry. The incredible youth conferences have proved effective and impactful. We work with a student ministry in a local church. We prayed for God to truly work in hearts and that is exactly what we saw. We want to see lives changed for eternity, spiritual walks strengthened, and students become stronger leaders in their churches and schools. We've seen students come to a saving knowledge and acceptance of Christ, and seen other's make countless decisions. Our prayer is that they would impact the Kingdom, and that because of their bold witness, it would never be the same!

::[Hope to You 2007]::
To God be the glory- Over the New England Christmas tour, we saw somewhere between 40 and 50 people acknowledge that they need Christ and then accept Him as their Savior! How incredible is that!? Not only that, but we saw over 100 teenagers make personal decisions at two different schools- American Christian Academy in Aston, Pennsylvania and Westover Christian Academy in Danville, Virginia. Praise the Lord! We pray that these young people stay faithful to their commitments to stand alone for Jesus, and that they make a huge impact in Christ’s Kingdom.”

::[Leading Worship Across the Country]::
The Lord has granted us the privilege and opportunity to lead others to the Throne of Grace. "Bless our God, O peoples;let the sound of his praise be heard..." Psalm 66:8.

::[Dominican Republic- April 2008]::
I wish there were words to describe what took place in the Dominican Republic. Only Heaven will be able to sufficiently describe it. We had
the opportunity to work with a youth group from Grand Rapids, Michigan. I feel so privileged to have worked along side of them. Their passion and love for the Lord was so encouraging, and I am proud of each one of them. We arrived to Santo Domingo on Sunday, and went straight to work on Monday. All week, we went to schools to tell students and teachers the Good News of our Lord and Savior. We used music, drama, evange-cubes, and preaching to reach the people. The Spirit moved, and people responded to the Gospel. EIGHT-HUNDRED people accepted Christ- to God be the glory! The missionary we worked with, Ken Balootje, challenged them to be bold in their new found faith by asking them to walk to the platform, in front of their peers- and at least 600 stood up.
We were able to lead people to the Lord through translators. God really worked in my heart to start studying the evange-cube material in Spanish. I must say, it was totally the Lord, because by Friday, I was able to lead eight Dominican children to Him in their language. All I can say is that it was God alone! It most certainly was all Him- because the Wings team can tell you- it took me 10 months just to learn nine Spanish songs!

Jesus dijo en la Bibla, “Yo soy el camino, y la verdad, y la vida. Nadie viene la Padre, sino por mi.” (John 14:6)

::[Domican Republic- June 2008]::
Our second trip of the year to the Dominican Republic was nothing short of a portrait of God’s power and grace. We had the opportunity to serve with students and adults from Ohio, Tennessee, Georgia, Texas, New Mexico, and California. We arrived to Santo Domingo on Saturday, and went to work on Sunday, serving in two local churches. Then, throughout the week we had the privilege to go to churches, public elementary and high schools, a disco, villages (where we were able to give gifts to the children and share our program with the people there), parks, and a jail. Needless to say, the Lord did marvelous things in and through our ministry. We saw over FIVE HUNDRED people come into the kingdom of our Savior during our trip. All of these places opened their doors for future ministry. To God be the glory!!! Please join with us, as we continue to pray for Kenneth Balootje and his family, as they work towards reaching the Dominican people.

::[Camp Connection- Children's Camp- Las Cruces, New Mexico]::
We arrived in Atlanta from Santo Domingo in, and headed to a hotel to sleep for a few hours. Four hours after arriving to our hotel in Atlanta, it was time to hop another plane to El Paso, Texas. We then drove to Las Cruces, New Mexico for their annual children’s camp. We had a blast! We lead them in worship throughout the week, and participated in water games, archery, target shooting, obstacle courses, races, crafts, and object lessons. But most importantly, we saw around THIRTY KIDS ACCEPT CHRIST! It was a blessing to be a part of the camp.

::[Wonderful Leaders/Staff]::
Dave and Jackie Edwards, Derwin and Jackie Anderson, and Allen and Brooke Oliver are on the ministry's staff. I absolutely respect, admire, and love all of them. They have devoted their lives to serve in this ministry, and pour their hearts not only into their work, but into the team members.

::[Wonderful Team Mates]::
Jeff, Meredith, Emily, Adam, Courtney, Christopher, and David will probably never see this, so I can brag on them. They are all some of the most incredible people I've ever met. They have such a supreme love for Christ, and a passion for Scripture unlike any group of people I know. Everyone other than Jeff and I will not be returning next year- and I will miss them so much. I can honestly say that I am a better person today, because of each and every one of them.


Julia said...

didn't know you were a blogger girl! great post... it is a wonderful ministry - my life is different because of WingsGO

Banta143 said...
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Banta143 said...

Wow! 800 ppl came to know Jesus, that is awesome!!
The ministry you're involved in sounds wonderful.. They're doing what Jesus called us all to do, you're so blessed to be able to be a part of that! I think it's awesome that you're learning the spanish language too. My husband has always had heart for them, he's been trying to learn the language for a while (it's not easy!! lol)..He keeps trying new words/phrases on me, I'm always clueless :D Songs in spanish are so beautiful too.. I can't believe you learned 9 of them!! Congrats :D

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited!

Unknown said...

What a great time Karsten and I had at lunch with you today. Even better when my car broke down and we're stranded on the side of the road.;-)
I'm so excited to see what all God has done and continues to do in your life. God blesses faithfulness and I know He will continue to pour out His blessings on you. I pray for you daily--stay strong in the Lord!!
Love you, Aunt Jenn